

Prevent returned HTML from being auto-escaped by Twig (source):

class MyParser {
    public function getHTML() {
         $rawString = '<a href="#">Hello World</a>'
         return new \Twig\Markup( $rawString, 'UTF-8' );

Key Value Arrays in Twig #article - "A hash is one of several types of literals available in Twig. It has a key and a value. The pairs are separated by a comma and enclosed in curly braces."

Twig Documentation

TwigFiddle #webapp

Twig property search order SO answer #article - “{{ lang.test }} will try to invoke one of the following, in this order:”

  • $lang->test

  • $lang->test()

  • $lang->getTest()

  • $lang->isTest()

Twig property search order Twig docs #article - “For convenience's sake does the following things on the PHP layer:”

  • Search order:

    • check if foo is an array and bar a valid element;

    • if not, and if foo is an object, check that bar is a valid property;

    • if not, and if foo is an object, check that bar is a valid method (even if bar is the constructor - use __construct() instead);

    • if not, and if foo is an object, check that getBar is a valid method;

    • if not, and if foo is an object, check that isBar is a valid method;

    • if not, and if foo is an object, check that hasBar is a valid method;

    • if not, return a null value.

  • foo['bar'] on the other hand only works with PHP arrays:

    • check if foo is an array and bar a valid element;

    • if not, return a null value.

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