Experience Sampling Method

ExperienceSampler - An open source esm project composed of an iOS and Android app plus a self-hosted server app

Experience Sampling Method #article - “The experience sampling method, also referred to as a daily diary method, or ecological momentary assessment (EMA), is an intensive longitudinal research methodology that involves asking participants to report on their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and/or environment on multiple occasions over time.”

Expimetrics - “Experience sampling. Redefined. A smarter, simpler way to collect data.”

LifeData - Expensive. “Real-Time Patient Data. Real-Life Solutions.”

iHabit #software - iOS app

Ilumivu - Expensive. “Are you an academic researcher or mental health counselor? Looking for an easy way to deliver mobile behavioral health interventions or run Ecological Momentary Assessment studies? The ilumivu Patient Engagement system is used by researchers and clinicians looking for an affordable system to monitor patient progress and provide just-in-time intervention.”

Movisens - “movisens provides ambulatory assessment and mobile monitoring products and services for science and research”

PACO - "The Personal Analytics Companion"

PIEL Survey #software - iOS app

SurveySignal - “SurveySignal is a powerful Survey Data Collection, Distribution & Management application. Conduct Survey Research (e.g. Experience Sampling) Using People's Own Smartphones!”

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